

  • Lugar Titou Gorge
    Titou Gorge


    "Part of Pirates of the Caribbean “Dead man’s chest” was recorded here. There is a tour that’s goes in the “cave” and you can climb and jump from the waterfall, is amazing IF you feel comfortable on the water. Take a one piece swimming suit 🩱 "
  • Lugar Trafalgar Falls
    Trafalgar Falls


    "There is two falls, one is the Father and the other is the Mother, both are the Trafalgar Falls. "
  • Lugar Scotts Head
    Scotts Head


    "There is not many tourists around here, honestly we felt like was no one there. Overlook to Soufriere Scott’s Head Marine Reserve, popular for snorkeling. "
  • Lugar Sulphur Springs Road
    Sulphur Springs Road


    "For us was like having a day in the spa, was very relaxing. Although after you really need a good shower."
  • Lugar Champagne Beach
    Champagne Beach


    "Good for snorkeling, the name is because of the continuously bubbles that it comes from the volcanic sea floor. I recommend to take water shoes."
  • Lugar Dominica


    "The Tropical Storm Erika in 2015 really affected this Caribbean Island, I visited after and strongly recommend you to visit, the Ti Tou Gorge is the must go. "