Fantasy movies 🍿


  • Película La leyenda de Tarzán
    La leyenda de Tarzán


    "Perfect Tarzan performance. Awesome jungle sights and amazing special effects. Epic battle scenes, totally worth every second of film "
  • Película Glass (Cristal)
    Glass (Cristal)


    "All of these characters joined together make this movie one of the bests. Must watch if u are into heroes & villains and awesome fights comics style."
  • Película Maléfica


    "How to fall in love and stand by the villain just watch this movie. Brilliant script and special effects. So magic, perfect cast. Simply amazing "
  • Película Rey Arturo: la leyenda de Excalibur
    Rey Arturo: la leyenda de Excalibur


    "An amazing and unique view to this legend, Guy Ritchie never fails to impress. Outstanding soundtrack, special effects, special props to Excalibur "
  • Película Kong: La isla calavera
    Kong: La isla calavera


    "Awesome prequel to the very known story of the mighty ape. The island looks amazing, and the creatures that inhabit are spectacular. Top plot ! 💀"
  • Película Cazadores de sombras: Ciudad de hueso
    Cazadores de sombras: Ciudad de hueso


    "Pretty dope movie very loyal to the first books, awesome special effects when it comes to weaponry, magic, the runes. A lot of mystery granted too "
  • Película La alianza del mal
    La alianza del mal


    "A very dope movie centred in the powerful group of 4 male witches. The special effects are pretty good, while we witness their fight against a new threat. The plot is quite cool as well, and there are quite a few secrets and plot twists awaiting us. "
  • Película La marca del lobo
    La marca del lobo


    "Pretty cool werewolves’ movie. Revolving around a love story that it is forbidden, since humans and werewolves don’t really get along. 🐺"
  • Película El último cazador de brujas
    El último cazador de brujas


    "The story follows an immortal witch hunter who works for a secret organisation. He believes that witches are onto something and the key to find out what it is it’s in his past which he needs to remember. For that he will count with the help of a dream wal"
  • Película El hogar de Miss Peregrine para niños peculiares
    El hogar de Miss Peregrine para niños peculiares


    "An amazing adventure provided by the awesome & unique Tim Burton. Following his grandfather’s clues a young boy is set on discovering a whole new reality. A whole plot full of magical, the cast is pretty dope too and awesome special effects. "