Disney series🌟


  • Serie Raven


    "If you could gaze into the future You might think live would be a breeze Seeing trouble from a distance But it's not that easy"
  • Serie Hotel, dulce hotel: Las aventuras de Zack y Cody
    Hotel, dulce hotel: Las aventuras de Zack y Cody


    "A vida de hotel, hotel doce hotel 🎶"
  • Serie Hannah Montana
    Hannah Montana


    "You get the best of both worlds Chillin' out, take it slow Then you rock out the show. "
  • Serie Los magos de Waverly Place
    Los magos de Waverly Place


    ""Nada é bem o que parece, quando o que queres mais tarde ou cedo, aparece e se abusas um dia vais ver o que acontece." 🎶 "
  • Serie Kim Possible
    Kim Possible


    "Telefona para me encotrares Com uma mensagem também dá A qualquer momento estou lá Telefona para me encontrares "
  • Serie Shake It Up
    Shake It Up


    "Bring the lights up! Bust the doors down! Dust yourself off, Shake It Up! Shake It Up! DJ set it off! Take it up a notch! All together now! Shake It Up! Shake It Up!"
  • Película Los siete samuráis
    Los siete samuráis


    ""He's cool, he's hot like a frozen sun He's young and fast, he's the chosen one People, we're not bragging He's the American Dragon" "
  • Serie Jonas


    "I was sittin' at home watchin TV all alone I'm so tired of reruns, the day goes on and on So I pick up the phone, call everyone I know Said there's gonna be a party, hit the music here we go Yeah"
  • Serie ¡Buena suerte, Charlie!
    ¡Buena suerte, Charlie!


    "Hang in there, baby Things are crazy But I know your future's bright Hang in there, baby There's no maybe Everything turns out alright Sure, life is up and down But trust me, it comes back around You’re gonna love who you turn out to be"
  • Serie Phineas y Ferb
    Phineas y Ferb


    "Mãe! O Phineas e o Ferb cantaram a canção de abertura!"