

Recomendado por 7 usuarios
The first time it happened, it seemed like an impossible miracle. Bills were piling up, adding up to more money than I could ever make. Mom's hospital bills. My baby brother's tuition. My tuition. Rent. Electricity. All of it on my shoulders. And I had just lost my job. There was no hope, no money in my account, no work to be found. And then, just when I thought all hope was lost, I found an envelope in the mail. No return address. My name on the front, my address. Inside was a check, made out to me, in the amount of ten thousand dollars. Enough to pay the bills and leave me some left over to live on until I found a job. Enough to let me focus on classes. There was no name on the check, just "VRI Inc.," and a post office box address for somewhere in the city. No hint of identity or reason for the check or anything. No mention of repayment, interest, nothing…except a single word, on the notes line: "You." Just those three letters.If you receive a mysterious check, for enough m...
    Hace un par de horas que terminé de leer este libro y... ¡me pareció bastante bueno! Lo acabé en menos de dos días, estoy segura de que con esta acción de mi parte consigo contarles que tanto me gustó. 😂 Si te gusta el género #erótico, este libro es para ti. 😉
    Es perfecto y mucho mejor que "50 sobras de Gray " en mi opinión. 👌 Se van a volver locas con lo Dominante que puede ser el protagonista.

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