Think and Grow Rich!:The Original Version, Restored and RevisedTM


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I thought Think and Grow Rich! was a classic and could never be improved. I was wrong. I am sure Dr. Hill would be greatly pleased to see how his work has been honored and enhanced by this outstanding new edition." -- Wally Amos, author and founder of Famous Amos Chocolate Chip CookiesUnlike most versions of Napoleon Hill's famous book, this edition restores his masterpiece to its original form and intent. It includes essential material on how to thrive in challenging economic times that was taken out of later versions but is incredibly relevant today. This is the only edition of Think and Grow Rich! that is fully annotated and indexed, providing key details about Dr. Hill's life and times, his lifelong research, and the leaders of business and industry he studied to glean the invaluable principles of success you'll discover here.Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised™--* is the only fully annotated version of Hill's 1937 masterpiece* contains 52 pag...
    Simply great✨
    What a book! Totally worthy. One of the best books in the world
    El mejor método para hacer dinero de Napoleón Hill 💯💰
    Libro perfecto para nuevos emprendedores.