Pura sangre

Película (2006)

Recomendado por 7 usuarios
A fateful attempt to reconcile an estranged family relationship offers a moving portrait of love blunted by tragedy in this affecting family drama from director Leo Ricciardi. Little Santiago is traveling into the countryside with his parents when a sudden tragedy prevents the trio from extending the olive branch to the boy's curmudgeonly grandfather Juan. A man whose long and difficult life gradually turned his heart to stone, Juan soon finds the companionship of his wide-eyed grandson offering new hope for a world he previously dismissed as callous and cruel.
    las adineradas adolescentes lily y amanda reanudan su amistad y descubren que comparten una misma pasión: el odio hacia el padre de Lily. Huele a homicidio.
    Buena película mexicana. No tiene a los típicos actores y con final inesperado.