Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez


Recomendado por 16 usuarios
    03/09/2020, 10:59 a. m.@selgrobby45
    Finally 😍 SO PROUD OF YOU SELENA...I love you so much ❤️🇮🇹
    03/09/2020, 06:41 a. m.@fanselenagomez0
    I can't wait for the products to arrive in Argentina😍
    02/09/2020, 11:16 p. m.@sgomezmemoriess1
    I will wake up in a few hours (4 am) to watch your line launch. rare beauty is amazing💖
    02/09/2020, 11:10 p. m.@hersmile_sg4
    I’m waiting queen😍😍
    02/09/2020, 02:52 p. m.@francesco91
    Always love you since the beginnig , can’t wait for what comes💙🦋