El nazi Iván el Terrible


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Miniserie de TV (2019). 5 episodios. Extraditan a un abuelo de Cleveland a Israel para ser juzgado. Lo acusan de ser Iván el Terrible, el despiadado guardia del campo de exterminio nazi.
GénerosDocumental, Crimen
Duración 44 minutos
DirectorDaniel Sivan
    After being accused of being Ivan the Terrible, a hideous person that killed thousands in the concentration camp of Treblinka, John Demjanjuk must face the Israeli government and all the victims of the camp.But what if the evidence put against him was forged?Will he go down has someone he is not?
    " A Cleveland grandfather is brought to trial in Israel, accused of being the infamous German death camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible."
    I was thrilled to see this documentary. It reminded me of all the horrors committed in the holocaust. It also shows how often people are taken by each other's opinions. But very interesting for me!
    Great documentary about a series of trials similar to those of Nuremberg, a definite must watch! Ps: I truly believe he was Ivan the terrible.

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