Anime Recommendations


So here you guys can take some of mine personal anime recommendationsand watch by yourself. Hope you enjoy.
  • Serie One Piece
    One Piece


    "I know this one is really big(900 ep+😂) but if you have time to see it believe me it's worth it the store and the development of the characters is💯"
  • Serie Hunter × Hunter
    Hunter × Hunter


    "One of my top 5 is one of the best shonen animes you guys can find on the web holydays. Hope you guys enjoy"
  • Serie Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
    Boruto: Naruto Next Generations


    "Another one of the main animes in this world. It's Narutooo just see it and you will have another perspective of the world😂. "
  • Serie Desaparecida


    "Guys one of the best 12 ep anime I ever seen(I have seen a lot) it talks about time travel for the past with the objective to save is mother. See it🐏"
  • Serie Haikyuu!! Los ases del vóley
    Haikyuu!! Los ases del vóley


    "Best anime of volei you can find it gets me hype every time I see it!! Pls go and watch it 🏐"
  • Serie Shingeki no Kyoujin
    Shingeki no Kyoujin


    "Imagine a world where humans were food"
  • Serie 若草のシャルロット


    "The best plot twist I have ever seen in anime"
  • Serie Seraph of the end
    Seraph of the end


    "One of the two vampire animes I have seen and it's awesome. Go for me and see it. 👌"
  • Serie UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima! 2
    UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima! 2


    "The other vampire and monster anime pls it makes u laugh and have some dope fight scenes"
  • Serie Bleach Kai
    Bleach Kai


    "Great anime about shinigamis and samurais"