

  • Serie La Casa De Papel - Fenomen
    La Casa De Papel - Fenomen


    "One of the beat tv shows I’ve ever seen. Great acting good story line. Surprising plots. It has everything a good tv show needs. "
  • Serie Califato


    "This is something that is so close to the reality. It’s an emotional movie really good one. Must watch"
  • Serie Chernobyl


    "This tv show shows how bad the accident was. If you think you know something about Chernobyl think again. This is so more worse what happened good tv show 👍🏼"
  • Serie Spartacus


    "If you like hard action ? Then this is the one you need to see, really good tv show but make sure absolutely not for kids/ Si te gusta la acción dura? Entonces este es el que necesita ver, un programa de televisión realmente bueno, pero asegúrese de que no sea para niños."
  • Serie Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer
    Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer


    "Gran oportunidad para ser parte de la historia más loca de la historia. Muy buena actuación debe mirar! te sorprenderá"
  • Serie The I-Land
    The I-Land


    "I was expecting more if it, started good but later on it looks a lot like lost. First seasons of lost were good but later on it was way less , it’s the same with this tv show. Only it’s one season. Strange story line and not always great acting."