Watch New Things


Hollywood makes great TV, there’s no doubt in that, but have you ever wondered what kind of TV shows are made in other countries? Give them a chance and not only get yourself entertained but also learn from other cultures! There’s an amazing world out there!
  • Serie Dark


    "This German jewel is making everyone mad with excitement and confusion, but so worth it. I can’t explain what it is about because it’s brilliantly complex and it’s also part of the fun of it to figure out. Take a look at why everyone is talking about Dark. "
  • Serie Mr. Sunshine
    Mr. Sunshine


    "I’m glad this was my first K drama because it’s a historic drama based on an important moment in Korea’s history, something I’ve never heard of before in history classes. Episodes may feel slow from what we are used to in the West, but it’s compensated by great production values and final episode. "
  • Serie Sense8


    "Despite being a Hollywood creation, the production took place in India, Germany, Mexico, Iceland, UK, Kenya, Italy and South Korea, using crews, locations and actors from those countries. The story is original, captivating and interesting. Some scenes are R rated so don’t watch it with kids. "
  • Serie Descendientes del sol
    Descendientes del sol


    "This K drama of only 16 episodes although 1 hr and 10 min long, keeps you entertained for long, laugh, empathize with the characters, and captivated by those moments of tension between the Doctors and Korean Army in the fictional city of Uruk. This is a very well done TV show."
  • Serie Arthdal Chronicles
    Arthdal Chronicles


    "If you enjoyed Game of Thrones you’re gonna like this one. Set in the ancient civilizations of Korea, this series shows the rise of a civilization, its challenges, political forces, and games of power moves. And with a dash of mysticism makes it the perfect alternative to the void GOT left."
  • Película Langosta


    "The Favourite by Yorgos Lanthimos was really good, but this film by the same author deserved the same recognition. In an utopian world where if you can’t find a S/O, you have to be transformed into an animal of your choice. Wonderfully unique, if you like dark humor, you’ll love this one."