

Estas aplicaciones son las que me han ayudado con muchas cosas como hacer fotos profesionales, para hacerme la vida más fácil o incluso para ahorrar dinero y quería compartirlas con ustedes.
  • App Ibotta: Save & Earn Cash Back
    Ibotta: Save & Earn Cash Back


    "This application helps you earn money every time you take a photo of your shopping receipt, be it from the supermarket or pharmacy. It also gives you discounts to enjoy them in your favorite restaurants. In this application you can refer friends which can help you earn more money."
  • App McDonald's


    "This application has many discounts that you can use every 45-60 min. You can add your card and place your order without having to go to the restaurant, which saves you time and when you arrive you just have to say your code. I loved this application because there is no problem with it. "
  • App Canva: Graphic Design & Video
    Canva: Graphic Design & Video


    "This application helped me a lot to create my logos since I used it and it cost me nothing. It is great for those people who are starting a new business as it has many varieties of styles that you can use to create your logo at no cost."
  • App SHEIN-Fashion Shopping Online
    SHEIN-Fashion Shopping Online


    "This application is about clothing created in China and has many discounts. you can buy a lot of clothes and when you spend a certain amount of money they give you more coupons. One of the coupons is POPSUGAR. You can also receive discounts with my referral"
  • App OfferUp - Buy. Sell. Simple.
    OfferUp - Buy. Sell. Simple.


    "This application helps you to sell and buy without any problem, you can see where the seller or the buyer is and how many purchases and sales they have had. You can add your transfer method and much more. I loved it because you can get enough things at low prices without any problem."
  • App VSCO: Photo & Video Editor
    VSCO: Photo & Video Editor


    "This application helps you edit your photos like professionals without any problem. you can upload your photos to the same application since it is a social network. the edits of the photos are very beautiful as it has many varieties of filters."
  • App Xprofile - profile analysis
    Xprofile - profile analysis


    "This application is free and helps you analyze your Instagram page as it lets you know who unfollowed you, who did not follow you, and much more. Also if you want you can pay a membership so that in the application they also tell you who is looking at your profile and many more things."
  • App Pen to Print - Handwriting OCR
    Pen to Print - Handwriting OCR


    "If you have notes or text on printed sheets that you have to transfer to the computer and you don't know how, this application will help you with that problem. I like it because it makes everything easier for you and it doesn't take up so much time."
  • App 1Password - Password Manager
    1Password - Password Manager


    "Esta aplicación te ayuda a guardar todas tus contraseñas de forma segura. Cada vez que ingresas a esta aplicación debes poner una contraseña para que todas tus contraseñas estén seguras."
  • App Photomath


    "Esta aplicación te ayuda con tus problemas matemáticos. Solo debes tomar una foto del problema matemático y la aplicación te lo resuelve, además también te enseña cómo hacerlo."