videogames (switch)


  • Videojuegos LEGO DC Super Villains
    LEGO DC Super Villains


    "Interesting, fun and easy to hook, the customisation feature is really funny and has several lenguages to choose included Latin(Mexican) Spanish with original voices, playing is as expected on a lego game but is cheap, good fun"
  • Videojuegos The Wicther 3
    The Wicther 3


    "Good and you can go for hours, fun to do side missions, a little buggy (something we are not used to on console games) but not enough to rip the fun apart, you get really funny pictures like a horse in a signing post but is fun to kill monsters and unwind"
  • Videojuegos Vampyr


    "Is a cheap and excellent game (specially during quarentene) as is set on the influenza pandemic times so you get a extra in immersing experience hehe but the game is no joke you get a good game for low budget & fun to do and good puzles, the only downside the map is too long to travel(no quiktravl)"