Inspiring books 📚


  • Libro The 4-Hour Work Week
    The 4-Hour Work Week


    "It's a book that definitely will teach you not to work harder but to work smarter! Um livro que definitivamente te vai ensinar a trabalhar não arduamente mas de forma inteligente! "
  • Libro Start With Why
    Start With Why


    "A great author and an inspiring person! Simon sinek tells you why some are successful and others are not! Maybe the key is to "Start with Why"... "
  • Libro A Sutil Arte de Ligar o Foda-Se
    A Sutil Arte de Ligar o Foda-Se


    "A whole new perspective of daily basis things that we don't notice! Maybe the key is not to have always a positive mind and that everything is OK. No. Sometimes we need to face limitations, deal with diversity and accept that failures exist"
  • Libro Leaders Eat Last
    Leaders Eat Last


    "Being a leader, a good leader means sacrifice, inspiration, protection, perseverance and humanity. Its easy to want to be one. The hard part is to make people see you as one. "