• Libro Normal People
    Normal People


    "It is a must! Sally has an intense and amazing writing, that makes you wanting to read the whole book as quickly as possible. The story is very different, is about a couple but not the normal couple we se in books, it is a real couple! "
  • Libro Conversations With Friends
    Conversations With Friends


    " Sally has a very particular way of telling stories, real stories, I’m sure I’ll love everything she writes. Can’t decide whether I loved more Normal People or Conversations with Friends! But I’m 100% sure that I loved both. Totally recommend it "
  • Libro Orgulho e Preconceito
    Orgulho e Preconceito


    "Uma história de amor como nenhuma outra! Uma escrita maravilhosa e um livro que não apetece largar!! Um must para todos "
  • Libro The Fault in Our Stars
    The Fault in Our Stars


    "Loved it!! "
  • Libro Will Grayson, Will Grayson
    Will Grayson, Will Grayson


    "Such a good story! "
  • Libro 1984


    "Worth the read. "