

I took a film class back in High school, it was one of those electives for smart kids, I don't know why I ended up there hahaha but they taught me the techniques, storyboard, camera angles, the use of symbolisms. I don't consider myself an expert but I do know a little bit to judge a good movie.
  • Película Sweeney Todd: El barbero diabólico de la calle Fleet
    Sweeney Todd: El barbero diabólico de la calle Fleet


    "This is such a peculiar kind of musical, you cannot compare it with high school musical or la la land since it combines horror with singing, it's great as it is and a great option just cause."
  • Película Pulp Fiction
    Pulp Fiction


    "DON'T WATCH IT WITH YOUR PARENTS if you do I'm gonna crack up just thinking someone did lmao this is a film that is one of a kind, entertainment in it's pure element, it doesn't try to impact your life or change your perspective, it's just sit here and check out this story."
  • Película La tumba de las luciérnagas
    La tumba de las luciérnagas


    "This is an opposite kind of recommendation, if you want to be depressed and sad watch this movie, I guarantee it will make you feel something but avoid it if you cannot take it."
  • Película El club de los cinco
    El club de los cinco


    "Don't you nanananana forget about me* this is a fun movie to watch, there's plenty of references in now days shows to this film, great to distract yourself and have a good time."
  • Película Origen


    "Challenge yourself a little bit mate, challenge your mind to comprehend the complexity of your imagination and your brain, totally worth it."