
Eduardo Gonzalez

2 Seguidores1 Seguidos
  • Película Los chicos del coro
    Los chicos del coro


    "One of the best movie soundtracks ive ever heard, accompanied by an even better story. Highly recommend."
  • Película Guillaume y los chicos, ¡a la mesa!
    Guillaume y los chicos, ¡a la mesa!


    "A great french film that explores stereotypes and labeling. Its a great watch and highly recommend"
  • Película The Way Home (2002 film)
    The Way Home (2002 film)


    "One of the first foreign films I ever saw. Its a great watch that after finishing, will make you want to hug your grandmother like you never have before."
  • Serie One Punch Man
    One Punch Man


    "A very unique and creative take on the super hero genre. One Punch Man is a good anime to start off with. With great action scenes and hilarious plot points its definitely a favorite."
  • Película Train to Busan
    Train to Busan


    "An amazing take on the zombie genre. This korean film is a must for all zombie fans."
  • Película Intocable


    "One of my all time favorite movies. And definitely a go-to when it comes to french films. Highly recommend."
  • Videojuegos Dota 2
    Dota 2


    "In my humble opinion, the best moba game out there. This game differentiates itself from other mobas on its pacing. Its map size and unique heroes allow games to go on for longer. Meaning teams have bring their A-game to win. "
  • Videojuegos Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Steam


    "Hands down the best competitive e-sport to watch and learn. Cs:go is the ultimate 3-D chess relying not only on raw aim, but creative tactics to get one over your opposing team. "
  • Película Diamante de sangre
    Diamante de sangre


    "Hands down the best competitive e-sport to watch and learn. Cs:go is the ultimate 3-D chess relying not only on raw aim, but creative tactics to get one over your opposing team. "
  • Videojuegos Valorant


    "Think overwatch meets cs:go. This fps has a unique twist on the search and destroy game mode. Giving players the ability to choose heroes that have certain powers. A really fun and easy competitive game."