
María Cianci

27 Seguidores40 Seguidos
  • Serie Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Neon Genesis Evangelion


    "If you never cared for watching this serie, well, you're in time now (I was one of those) Go to Netflix and watch it!!! You'll take 3 days or less in this quarantine to be completely over Evangelion, highly recommend by everybody and now this is the signal... do it. You'll get addicted."
  • Serie Arjuna


    "EARTH GIRL ARJUNA || Beautiful anime inspired on climate change, ecological and spiritual themes involved in preserving nature at all cost. Juna Ariyoshi is the new avatar to preserve the earth from its destruction, this mystical transformation leads to a lot of drama in her life."
  • Película Hongos Fantásticos
    Hongos Fantásticos


    "For nature lovers (like me) I personally recommended Fantastic Fungi. Mesmerizing visuals, amazing information for a better understanding of the Fungi Reign! 🍄 you'll get thrilled with knowledge on this topic, and it's inspiring in many ways to go mushroom hunting, please watch it, is full of love."
  • Serie Midnight Diner
    Midnight Diner


    "This serie is on Netflix! It's a little dining restaurant in downtown Japan, our protagonist only opens at midnight to 7am, and he has a lot of interesting costumers. Midnight Diner is great if you want to learn how to prepare simple Japanese food, laugh and get a bit emotional. Give it a try 💜"