

  • Videojuegos The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


    "Super dope! Imagine yourself in the "Viking/Magic/Medieval/ Era" in which you choose what you wanna be. Nord? You got it. Mage? Of course? Human like cat with magical powers and shouts that can throw away goats from mountains... got your attention right? Then go play it go go go!"
  • Videojuegos The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


    "Beautiful, just beautiful. If you are a lover of TLOZ since the beginning you'll just love this one. It is just an super open world game with all the adventures from the series, there are characters that you'll fall in love with. Oh and you can choose which way you want to proceed in the game!"
  • Videojuegos Mario Kart 64
    Mario Kart 64


    "En esta epoca ya el 64 ni existe pero descarga un emulador en la compu y juegalo con tus compas! De todos los mario kart este es mi favorito"
  • Videojuegos God of War
    God of War


    "Soy un fan de la mitologia nordica y este juego para mi es una obra de arte, aprendes historia, aprecias la cultura de los demas y hasta Kratos te da consejos tipo padre-hijo, que mas quieres cabron?"