Salsa DJs


Looking for some top notch salsa DJs? We got you covered! Check out this references... and start enjoying the tunes that make people dance around the globe.
  • Moda DJ Hugo Leite
    DJ Hugo Leite


    "DJ Hugo Leite is a Latin rhythms DJ with lots of experience managing the dance floor. His main objective is to make the dancers happy. He begun is work in 2002. He is a regular presence in the major events in Portugal and Spain."
  • Moda DJ Henry Knowles
    DJ Henry Knowles


    "Henry Knowles is part of the salsa DJ history. The most internationally renowned DJ and a reference to all of the following talents. He developed his career in New York city and then accepted a new challenge in Bangkok, Thailand. If you a chance go see hi"
  • Moda DJ Pablo Bat
    DJ Pablo Bat


    "This incredible talented DJ started is career in Argentina. At the beginning of 2000 established itself in Spain and and start spreading is work across Europe. Full of flavor, with a distinctive musical selection, controls the dance floor with maturity br"