
Ilse Siller

10 Seguidores18 Seguidos
  • Película Viaje al centro de la Tierra 2: La isla misteriosa
    Viaje al centro de la Tierra 2: La isla misteriosa


    "Good movie and really funny I totally recommend it "
  • Película Atrapa ese email
    Atrapa ese email


    "Such an amazing movie, I had a lot of fun when I was watching it, I feel is not that far from the reality sometimes."
  • Producto After


    "I totally prefer the book instead of the movie, but it was good I feel the characters are similar to the book and I can’t wait fort the second part."
  • Lugar Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park
    Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park


    "This place is perfecto for a walk in the nature or just for a hike. They have a lot la things to do there"
  • Restaurantes Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
    Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk


    "It’s an amazing place, you can have a lot of fun there, I love the roller coaster. Have you ever watch the movie us ? Well that movie was filmed in the boardwalk! "
  • Película Parásitos


    "Amazing movie, I think everyone should watch it! "