Crazy Christmas Collection!


Christmas themed products, we love. We want, or we found & want to share!
  • Moda Claus Claws, Press-on Nails Set, Deal!
    Claus Claws, Press-on Nails Set, Deal!


    "Wear these Adorable Christmas themed Press on Set, for up to Two full weeks! Comes with Glue, File, 24 nails in 12 sizes. Link provided to order, Worldwide - Voucher Code ( Shop ) for 10% off!!! Follow tag - #InfluencerDailyDeals "
  • Moda 10% Off Deal - Stay Golden Cosmetics, Burlesque Lip Kit 💋
    10% Off Deal - Stay Golden Cosmetics, Burlesque Lip Kit 💋


    "Need Makeup for New Years Eve???? Here is a perfect choice!! A Red Fierce & Sparkly Glitter Lip kit, that sparkles in silver & gold & will stay on your lips, even for your new years eve kiss!! Order Burlesque Lip kit, & SAVE 10% While in stock with Promo Code ( Deal ) --- Worldwide Deal! 💋💋"