Movies 🎥


  • Película Joker


    "Amazing character study film. With strong connections with reality as a critic. It’s not about mental health, but it touches the subject. It’s more about a series of bad things happening to the same person and ending up being pushed out of society."
  • Película Réquiem por un sueño
    Réquiem por un sueño


    "This is a story on how we all have some kind of addiction but some are more social repressive than others. The journey this story takes you with its visuals, soundtrack and storytelling makes you feel like an addict yourself. But that’s the whole point, t"
  • Película Jojo Rabbit
    Jojo Rabbit


    "Amazing Taika Waititi film, based on the book Caging Skies. It’s a comedy drama, full of criticism on the events leading to the WW2. It’s a film with a huge emotional roller coaster but the comedy it’s already there with Taika usual signature. 😁"