Series I watched in 2020


💯 = 5/5 ; 🌟 = 4/5 ; 👍🏻 = 3/5 ; 🤷🏻‍♂️ = 2/5 ; 👎🏼 = 1/5
  • Serie Riverdale


    "🌟 ; kids who look too old to still be in high school keep running into murderers, conspiracies and gang wars but still have time to fall in and out of love a thousand times"
  • Serie Vivir sin permiso
    Vivir sin permiso


    "🌟 ; Narco viejito intenta a duras penas aguantar a su familia tocapelotas. Por suerte se está empezando a olvidar de ellos"
  • Serie Altered Carbon
    Altered Carbon


    "💯 ; detective wakes up with a new Fornite skin and has to solve a murder in a city where everyone is an asshole"
  • Serie Locke & Key
    Locke & Key


    "🌟 ; dead father tortures his kids by making them look for keys all over the house, some of them with a high chance to kill you"
  • Serie The Walking Dead
    The Walking Dead


    "(S10): 👍🏻 ; In this season the little OGs left have to fight against a group of people who believe it's always Halloween so they wear masks and do some trick or treating"
  • Serie Kingdom


    "🌟 ; samurais have to fight nocturnal zombies and they haven't seen any zombie movies in their time so they're at a clear disadvantage"
  • Serie Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    Star Wars: The Clone Wars


    "💯 ; stories throughout a war where one side fights with stupid robots and the other with underage clones with identity problems"
  • Serie Star Wars Rebels
    Star Wars Rebels


    "👍🏻 ; A broken family of aliens joins a terrorist organization called The Rebellion and fights against an army of soldiers with poor accuracy"
  • Serie Tiger King
    Tiger King


    "🌟 ; Florida man. Just Florida man. I have nothing else to say"
  • Serie Carta al rey
    Carta al rey


    "👍🏻 ; kid with 0 fighting skills whatsoever must accomplish his mission with the power of friendship"