

list of my favorite movies along with what i enjoy the most about them! hope u enjoy this collection<3
  • Película Antes de amanecer
    Antes de amanecer


    "before sunrise is an amazing movie with a very interesting twist on the “summer love” teenage movie cliche, showing celine and jesse’s one day long love story (mostly) in vienna. i love organization of the movie and the looong takes in it. it’s an amazing movie and u should rly watch it!!<3"
  • Película Antes del atardecer
    Antes del atardecer


    "before sunset, before sunrise sequel, is a beautiful movie about what happens in a meeting of celine and jesse 9 years after the day they spent together at vienna. as before sunrise, the takes and visuals of this movie r outstanding! amazing movie that u should rly watch! eheh :,)"
  • Película La perfección
    La perfección


    "this is my absolute favorite movie and damn it’s weird, but great as well akdnsj im not gonna describe it here bc i feel like i can’t rly do that, but it’s an amazing suspense movie and u should rly rly watch it!"
  • Película Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo
    Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo


    "ramona is hot."
  • Película Scary Movie 2
    Scary Movie 2


    "goddamn i love this movie. i love this genre of movies. u should rly watch this asap. u should watch the rest of the “scary movies” too. bye. and yes i am embarrassed to say this is on my top 3 favorite movies. bye again."