Filmes favoritos 🌙


Os meus filmes favoritos.
  • Película Llámame Por Tu Nombre
    Llámame Por Tu Nombre


    "I am completely in love with everything in this movie, the atmosphere, the soundtrack and the plot which holds you from the beginning to the end and literally gives you butterflies. 10/10"
  • Película Horns


    "Literally the most awkward and beautiful movie in the same time I've ever seen. 8/10"
  • Película Amigos de más
    Amigos de más


    "A nice and funny movie to see. 10/10"
  • Película La habitación
    La habitación


    "A realistic movie that retracted things that happens in real life in a way that makes you think more about everything. 10/10"
  • Película La cabaña
    La cabaña


    "This movie gives me peace, and I think that's no need to believe in God to actually like the movie. It's about spirituality in general and a life changing history that happened to a guy who had no reasons to stay alive anymore. 10/10"
  • Película The Lovely Bones
    The Lovely Bones


    "This movie is a truly piece of artwork, it makes you feel everything the protagonist is feeling and feel all that anger and sadness everyone is going through. And there's a great lesson that you can't trust nobody. 10/10"
  • Película Expediente Warren: The Conjuring
    Expediente Warren: The Conjuring


    "Um filme que te dá arrepios de verdade e te dá medo do início ao fim, te prendendo na história cheia de terror psicológico fazendo você se colocar no lugar dos personagens. 8/10"