Epic Fantasy books


the title says it all. Any book in this list is my personal recommendation in the genre of epic fantasy books.
  • Libro Malazan Book of the Fallen 01. Gardens of the Moon
    Malazan Book of the Fallen 01. Gardens of the Moon


    "A book with a steep learning curve where you're dropped right into the middle of the fray and expected to pick up and piece together the world, but it makes it a more interesting read, and an awesome re-read "
  • Libro The Way of Kings
    The Way of Kings


    "Brandon Sanderson proves yet again why he is one of the best known authors in the genre. From his interesting and enveloping worldbuilding, so intricate and well thought it seems so real, to his deep, broken characters, and his masterfull storytelling. A "
  • Libro Eye Of The World
    Eye Of The World


    "It is an old type of epic book, when we still believed in chosen ones and the fight of Good and Evil, but Robert Jordan has taken it further, with a chosen one that wrestles against his destiny, the heavy price of lunacy of he walks down that road. Deep, "
  • Libro The Great Hunt
    The Great Hunt


    "Book 2 of the epic classic must read series of epic fantasy. "
  • Libro The Wise Man's Fear
    The Wise Man's Fear


  • Libro A Song of Ice and Fire 01
    A Song of Ice and Fire 01


    "If this is not on your shelve I don't know what to tell you. Go read it. Forget the show. This, this is the stuff. George R. R. Martin writes fluidly and like he is writing a screenplay, but still feels like a book. You won't be able to drop it until you'"
  • Libro Words Of Radiance
    Words Of Radiance
