
Monster Of Truth

7 Seguidores1 Seguidos
  • Videojuegos Left 4 Dead 2
    Left 4 Dead 2


    "If u got some friends to play this game, it gets so addicting with mods!!!"
  • Moda Unus Annus
    Unus Annus


    "Amazing everyday fun videos!"
  • Moda VrChat (Best Game To Meet People)
    VrChat (Best Game To Meet People)


    "This vr game (can be played without vr) is an amazing experience to find people to socialize and to play with, after you find an amazing people like YouTubers and streamers, It's fantastic the fun you going to have!!!"
  • Moda Best Nintendo Online Shooting Game! (Splatoon 2)
    Best Nintendo Online Shooting Game! (Splatoon 2)


    "To be really honest with ya guys, this game got me addicted super fast, even though I knew this game for ages, I finally got it and I regret myself for not getting this way back ago, so come on and get it for ya aswell!!! Great Offline Story too!!!"