
Mariana Ferreira

288 Seguidores8 Seguidos
  • Restaurantes Envie Vegan
    Envie Vegan


    "Always leaves me wanting more! More burgers, more desserts, more food! Definitely recommend it. My favourite restaurant in Geneva "
  • Moda Tempeh Buddha bowl
    Tempeh Buddha bowl


    "I always try to have a variety of vegetables and food in general in my diet and I think I did that here 😁"
  • Moda Feijoada


    "A vegan recipe for a non vegan typical meal. It is so easy with just black beans, smoked tofu, orange juice and tomato sauce."
  • Moda Puff pastry stew pie
    Puff pastry stew pie


    "So delicious. The recipe is on the link and the stew combination with the puff pastry is so good and so simple "
  • App Skillshare - Online Learning
    Skillshare - Online Learning


    "Even though you pay around 10$ a month I find it to be worth it. It has so many lessons about anything really. So far I am focusing of photography and social media. Try it out for a free month and see what you think "
  • Elemento de la categoría hogar Shark Ninja BL682EU2 Procesador de Alimentos
    Shark Ninja BL682EU2 Procesador de Alimentos

    Elemento de la categoría hogar

    "One of my essentials in the kitchen. I do nut butter, smoothies, sauces, hummus! I really recommend it! The price is quite good for what you get."
  • Elemento de la categoría hogar Shark Ninja BL682EU2 Procesador de Alimentos
    Shark Ninja BL682EU2 Procesador de Alimentos

    Elemento de la categoría hogar

    "One of my essentials in the kitchen. I do nut butter, smoothies, sauces, hummus! I really recommend it! The price is quite good for what you get."
  • App Headspace: Meditación y Sueño
    Headspace: Meditación y Sueño


    "Great to learn how to meditate and have guided meditation. Meditation is a great way to connect with yourself. "
  • App Tricount


    "A great way to know how to split bills! Really practical"
  • App Monefy - Gestor de dinero
    Monefy - Gestor de dinero


    "The app I used to use to manage my expenses. The best one to know the details of what you are spending."