• Libro Death with Interruptions
    Death with Interruptions


    "Current health crisis peaked “Blindness” popularity. If you’re looking for another one from the master himself, “Death with Interruptions” is the piece we need just now."
  • Libro Daisy Jones & the Six
    Daisy Jones & the Six


    "Masterpieces don’t have to be tedious. This one is brilliantly put together and so light and enjoyable you’ll be done in two hours and left day dreaming of the upcoming TV show. A novel written by each and every character, projected in the golden days. It"
  • Libro Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
    Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine


    "An ultimate favourite. Especially in time of isolation, this will give you an extremely funny insight onto how people live in this state permanently. And on how caring for each other is the only cure."
  • Libro Calling Major Tom: the laugh out loud feelgood comedy
    Calling Major Tom: the laugh out loud feelgood comedy


    "For all of Bowie’s fans, this is a heart warming, ridiculously funny tribute to Major Tom. And again a great suggestion for the isolation period. We are so lucky we get to stay together by living apart."