Favorite movies


  • Película El club de los poetas muertos
    El club de los poetas muertos


    "One of my favorites. Cry every time I see it. “Oh captain, my captain!” Gets me every time. Loved Robin Wiliams, Robert, Ethan and all the other boys. A movie for everyone who has a heart."
  • Película Cadena de favores
    Cadena de favores


    "I cried a lot of tears for this movie. It touches you. Beautiful."
  • Película Memorias de África
    Memorias de África


    "Loved this one. Wonderful sights, excellent actors (Streep and Redford) and a soundtrack to die for (John Barry). Just love the main title music. A lot of tears for this one. A Classic. A must see."
  • Película Cuando Harry encontró a Sally
    Cuando Harry encontró a Sally


    "Cute, fun and romantic. Just love Meg and her big fake O. NYC, Empire State Building and some happy tears."
  • Película Oldboy: Cinco días para vengarse
    Oldboy: Cinco días para vengarse


    "Dark and twisted. A Korean movie at its best. Those movies that you are not supposed to love but you do. There is an American remake, but the original is better. Must see."