

  • Serie Loki


    "Loki is a really good TV show , it basically shows loki after he stole the tesseract then he goes to a timeline organization as a prisoner , but later he becomes an allied to the timeline keepers , however he has to help 'em to capture a "gangster", and trust me ur mind is gonna blow when u see who "
  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "For me stranger things is the best serie ever made , it talks about a group o child that finds a girl in the woods while they we're looking for they missing friend , but they don't know that this girl is relative to supernatural events , and might know where the missing boy is "
  • Serie Brooklyn Nine-Nine
    Brooklyn Nine-Nine


  • Serie The Walking Dead
    The Walking Dead


    "The Vampire Diaries is my favorite tv show of all time✨ “you want a love that consumes you. you want passion and adventure and even a little danger.”"
  • Serie The Good Place
    The Good Place


    "No inferno come-se pizza com ananás"