
Rosana Carvalho

5 Seguidores3 Seguidos
  • Serie The Good Place
    The Good Place


    "Is there a good place? Bad place? Watch it 😂! Fantasy comedy "
  • Película The True Cost
    The True Cost


    "Untold stories about the fashion industry and fast-fashion retailers. You see that fashion is not that glamorous behind the scenes. A must!! "
  • Película Franca: Chaos and Creation
    Franca: Chaos and Creation


    "A documentary about Franca Sozzani by her son. Chronicles the life and times of Sozzani, the editor-in-chief from 1988 of Italian Vogue until her death in 2016 and fashion-world provocateur. If you are into fashion, I recommend you 👌🏾"
  • Serie Trump: An American Dream
    Trump: An American Dream


    "It tells the story behind this man throughout the times. From his early days until becoming the president. It shows how he embodied many movements... Available on Netflix 👌🏾"
  • Serie El príncipe de Bel-Air
    El príncipe de Bel-Air


    "Will Smith is the best 👌 if you like comedy/sitcom I recommend you "
  • Serie The Morning Show
    The Morning Show


    "A MUST!!! 👌🏾"
  • Libro O meu colar de Pérolas
    O meu colar de Pérolas


    "O meu colar de Pérolas por Karen Pacheco. Uma abordagem fictícia com um toque realístico a vários temas da nossa sociedade. Um romance que recomendo à todos vocês 👌🏾"
  • Serie The Story of Diana
    The Story of Diana


  • Libro Get A Life: The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood
    Get A Life: The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood


    "The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood"