
Yasmin Andrade

513 Seguidores6 Seguidos
  • App Duolingo


    "If you want to know a new language you’ll like Duolingo it’s an app that helps you study English, Spanish, French and so much more languages🦋"
  • App VSCO: Editor de Fotos y Vídeos
    VSCO: Editor de Fotos y Vídeos


    "The VSCO is an app that I use so much because you can add filter is and others things in your photos and the pics will be perfect💞"
  • Película It (Eso)
    It (Eso)


    "It it’s a horror movie and it’s a mundial success it’s so perfect and the 2 chapter was in the cinema in 2019🙃"
  • Canción Copy Cat (feat. Tierra Whack)
    Copy Cat (feat. Tierra Whack)


    "Copy cat it’s a music from Melanie Martinez, it’s about feminism and the copy cats of the real life this music it’s with Tierra Whack💗"
  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "Stranger things it’s a serie on Netflix that millions of people are in love with it’s a suspense serie and you’ll desire to go in the Starcourt❤️"
  • Serie Friends


    "Friends it’s a serie on Netflix, the focus is the comedy with funny characters and you’ll desire take a tea in Central Perk🤪"
  • App InShot - Editor de vídeo
    InShot - Editor de vídeo


    "InShot is an app that I like so much you can create and edit your videos and photos💓"
  • Canción Andar Sozinho (feat. Jão)
    Andar Sozinho (feat. Jão)


    "Andar sozinho it’s a song from Jão and Lagum singers and songwriters that I love, their songs are amazing and they’re Brazilian lol🦋"
  • Película A todos los chicos de los que me enamoré
    A todos los chicos de los que me enamoré


    "To all the boys It’s a movie on Netflix that is so good and it’s a romance movie I like so much and the second part is on Netflix now💓"
  • Serie Anne with an E
    Anne with an E


    "Anne with an e it’s a serie that I started 1 week ago but I already like so much it’s the history of a orphan girl redhead that love the imagination💖"