Day of the Tentacle


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Day of the Tentacle, also known as Maniac Mansion II: Day of the Tentacle, is a 1993 graphic adventure game developed and published by LucasArts. It is the sequel to the 1987 game Maniac Mansion. The game's plot follows Bernard Bernoulli and his friends Hoagie and Laverne as they attempt to stop the evil Purple Tentacle — a sentient, disembodied tentacle — from taking over the world. The player takes control of the three and solves puzzles while using time travel to explore different periods of history. Dave Grossman and Tim Schafer co-led the game's development, their first time in such a role. The pair carried over a limited amount of elements from Maniac Mansion and forwent the character selection aspect to simplify development. Inspirations included Chuck Jones cartoons and the history of the United States. Day of the Tentacle is the eighth LucasArts title to use the SCUMM engine, and the company's first title to feature voice acting. The game was released simultane...
    ✅Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, también conocida como Day of the Tentacle, es una aventura gráfica, originalmente publicada en 1993, por LucasArts.✅
    Sin duda alguna, Day of the tentacle es una joyita para divertirte todo un día. El juego te relata como es que los tentáculos consiguen adueñarse de la tierra y al mismo tiempo te muestran parte de la historia americana. Puedes jugarlo utilizando un emulador!
    El día del tentáculo es la segunda parte de Maniac Mansion.La vuelta de tuerca al humor que caracterizaba al primero. Viajes en el tiempo y Tentáculos