The GoldenEye story comes to life once again with an updated single player storyline featuring Daniel Craig as Bond and written by Bruce Feirstein, the screenwriter for the original movie. Surprise enemies covertly or engage in a full on firefight and use Bond's latest gadget to uncover intel in augmented reality as you relive all the classic GoldenEye movie moments. Infiltrate the dam and destroy the facility; chase Ourumov in the tank through the streets of St. Petersburgh; and investigate the secret jungle base.
Key Game Features
BRINGING MULTIPLAYER BACK TO ITS ROOTS. – Splitscreen returns to the first person shooter in GoldenEye – 4 players in the same room, on the same screen. The extensive variety of characters, game modes and weapons lets you customize the perfect experience from over 500 split screen game combinations
40 unique characters: Play as your favorite Bond characters and villains, including 8 classic characters – Oddjob, Jaws, Scaramanga, Baron Samedi, D...