Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls - Collection


Recomendado por 24 usuarios
Quantic Dream has a reputation for making games that don’t just define genres… but recreate them. Fans now expect the award-winning studio to offer them something different to play; a new experience they can’t find anywhere else. And for David Cage and his team, it’s all about giving players something to think about… provoking reactions and stirring emotions not usually expected from video games. Heavy Rain™ and BEYOND: Two Souls™ are two standout titles that give players the power of choice. How these stories branch and end is totally up to the decisions they make and the actions they perform. Hugely popular on PlayStation®3, they have now been visually upgraded and brought together for fans to relive, and newcomers to enjoy for the first time....
    Both games are awesome. YOU decide the story.
    Os meus amores estes dois
    Dos grandes juegos que destacan por sus tramas y la creación de sus personajes. Heavy Rain es un intenso thriller policíaco, mientras que Beyond Two Souls es ciencia ficción con escenas trepidantes.
    De este solo heavy rain ya recomendé beyond, bueno como sea es buen juego te lo recomiendo
    Heavy rain e beyond two souls. Dois jogos de escolha com otimos graficos agora juntos. Link para compra 👇

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