Looney Tunes: Sheep Raider


Recomendado por 42 usuarios
Stealth, humour and tactical skills - the scene is set for the ultimate showdown between Sam Sheep-dog and a greedy wolf whose only thought is where his next meal is coming from....
    The perfect game to test your intelligence and cunning, download it for PC 🐑🦮🐺.
    Excelente juego🎮🎮
    Cara, que jogo massa, focado no puzzle, você precisa roubar uma ovelha sem que o cachorro veja. Muito divertido e bem feito.
    Uno de los mejores juegos sobre los looney tunes muy pero muy realista
    Juego de estrategia que té hará reventar el cráneo. No perderselo de ninguna manera

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