Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition


Recomendado por 17 usuarios
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition includes "Lost in Nightmares" and another campaign-expansion episode, "Desperate Escape", where players control Josh Stone and Jill Valentine as they assist Chris and Sheva. The edition also includes the previously released Versus mode, four new costumes and an alternate Mercenaries mode with eight new playable characters, new items and maps. Like Alternative Edition, Gold Edition supports the PlayStation Move accessory with a patch released on September 14, 2010. In addition to Gold Edition both episodes and costume packs are available as DLC, with two of the eight new Mercenaries Reunion characters bundled with each downloadable item; after buying all five sets of DLC, players own all content on the disc. This only applies to the PlayStation 3 version; the Xbox 360 version has no DLC on the disc. The Xbox 360 version comes with a download token allowing free download of all DLC, and the PlayStation 3 version has all of the new content on dis...
    Lo tengo para ps3 y no me aburre nunca
    O melhor da franquia de jogos
    Gostei pela variedade de armas,nele eo esquema de tunar as armas tem bastante coisa secreta nela,da hora jogar de dois.
    Muy buen juego, recomendable para jugar con amigos, si lo jugas solo sufrirás la mala inteligencia artificial de Sheeva pero fuera de eso es muy buen juego en cooperativo
    Te comento 😎por que es edition 😏es por la cual contiene un nuevo capítulo y una campaña que siguen con la trama del juego. Conjuntamente se han estrenado diversos contenidos descargables😉

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