Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - Gold Edition


Recomendado por 3 usuarios
The Gold Edition includes: The full base game. All 8 Operators from Year 1 (Frost, Buck, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Caveira, Capitão, Hibana and Echo). Year 4 Pass Inspired by the reality of counter terrorist operatives across the world, Rainbow Six Siege invites players to master the art of destruction. Intense close quarters confrontations, high lethality, tactics, team play, and explosive action are at the center of the experience. The multiplayer gameplay of Rainbow Six Siege sets a new bar for intense firefights and expert strategy in the rich legacy of past Rainbow Six games....
    Un juego tactico de disparos con una gran cantidad de personajes y armas para utilizar.
    Shooter,estratégico,adrenalinico, me gusta mucho y aparte los buenos jugadores lo juegan de forma profesional internacionalmente.

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