Vigilante 8


Recomendado por 53 usuarios
The game's storyline is built around an alternate history, in which there was a worldwide oil crisis in the 1970s and the U.S. was on the verge of an economic breakdown. Strikes, riots and crime were rampant, and all available law enforcement were brought to the cities leaving the outlands vulnerable. A foreign multinational oil consortium, Oil Monopoly Alliance Regime (OMAR), was determined to monopolize the world oil trade. The U.S. was the last country that stood in their way and they were prepared to go to any length to bring the U.S. to its knees. OMAR hired Sid Burn, a professional terrorist, to push the U.S. economy over the edge. Sid began to organize his troops in the remote areas of the southwest. Calling themselves the "Coyotes," they began to target oil refineries, commercial installations and other vital industry throughout the region. With the law enforcement in the cities, some desperate civilians began to take the law into their own hands. Led by a trucker na...
    Vigilante 8
    Cara eles deviam fazer uma versão para o PS4 , esse jogo era nostálgico vixi
    Jogo incrível ... Muito a frente do tempo, insano, nostálgico, vários carros se quebrando e destruindo tudo ... Um dos melhores do Ps1
    Coches que se matan a tiros para ganar EASY BRO 😎
    Este juego fue una infancia una maravilla para la ps1 sin duda enfrentarte contra otros vehículos coger armas destruirlos con su poder especial que cada carro y personaje tenía en verdad si tienes la oportunidad de jugarlo no te arrepentirás

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