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O primeiro e melhor livro de poemas que já li! Retrata situações tensas, reais e bastante pesadas que acontecem com as mulheres. Porém tem sua beleza, ainda mais na parte da cura. Recomendo muitíssimo!
Poetry. Discussing themes of love, loss and healing
Milk and honey 🥛🍯
there are no comments, this one just got me into a different place
The book that allowed me to know the incredible rupi kaur.
'women like you drown oceans'
A warm hug to your soul just like milk & honey altogether. Best themed healing poems for those times in need 🤍 I recommend buying the hard cover edition, it’s just lovely.
Hermoso poemario dividido en cuatro partes: the hurting, the loving, the breaking y the healing.
Versos de la poesía de Rupi Kaur que se dividen en las 4 partes más importantes de la vida: the hurting, the loving, the breaking y the healing. Sus propias experiencias y pensamientos que te harán reflexionar sobre tu vida e inspirarte a vivirla.