eCooltra - Motosharing Scooter


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Perhaps the most famous motosharing company in Europe at the moment. It's super easy to use and there's always a scooter near you! Affordable too!
Earn immediately and without extra costs 10€ for your first trip by placing the code xmjtcb
Great app to rent electric motorcycles on the go in Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Roma, Milan, Lisboa.
Indispensable ✨
muito bom😍😍😍🔥🔥
Pneumaticos no adaptados a lluvia
Genial para desplazarse por Barcelona, Roma, Milán... (no está en todos los lugares)
Para quitarte de atascos, es muy fácil de usar🛵🏃‍♂️
Para alugar de motas elétricas ao minuto! Super prático numa cidade! E económico também!