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9/3 Harry Potter
Kings Kross
Si sois fans de Harry Potter, no os perdáis el anden 9 3/4!🚂
King cross em Londres
I visited thid place because of Harry Potter , and I was so excited , I love Harry Potter’s world and this was a super experience for me 🌸😍
the fucking harry potter station ⚡
Onde está situada a plataforma 9 3/4 do Harry Potter!
🇬🇧Beautiful tube station where old meets new! It is where Harry Potter trip begins and you can take a pic in Platform 9 3/4. 🇲🇽Bella estación del metro en donde lo viejo conoce lo nuevo! Aqui comenzo el viaje de Harry Potter y puedes tomarte una foto en la Plataforma 9 3/4.
Como fã de Harry Potter que sou, esta foi uma paragem obrigatória!