Cloud Atlas


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Ufff 👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻💥💥
Tom hanks and halle berry! Película que vale la pena
Basada en la novela cloud atlas. La película cuenta seis historias que se interrelacionan y entrelazan llevando al espectador desde el siglo XIX, hasta un futuro post apocalíptico. Reparto: Tom Hanks, Halle Barry, Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving y Bae Doona.
The Wachowskis made this super complicated boom into a film with a tremendous cast who interpret 7 different characters each! If that doesn’t get your curiosity maybe the time jumps will. You do have to pay attention to understand it, but it’s so worth it with the creative places they built.
Great movie! Excellent cast
My score: 74/100
A fantastic film! Directed by 3 different people, the actors portray characters in 6 different timelines and it works beautifully. Very moving.
Best movie of all time. "our life are not our own."
Amazing movie and amazing cinematography!!
Cloud Atlas: One of my favorites ever