6PACK Formúla


Training + nutrition
  • Moda Quando devo comer carbohidratos?
    Quando devo comer carbohidratos?


    "Saiba ingerir os carbohidratos nas alturas certas ao longo do dia. É muito importante ingerir proteína em todas as refeições de modo a permitir a construção e recuperação muscular."
  • Moda Food to avoid
    Food to avoid


    "Avoid this kind of food."
  • Moda Hiit intervals 10min
    Hiit intervals 10min


    "Video from youtube with example"
  • Moda Hiit Training
    Hiit Training


    "This is the kind of training that burns the fat , the more you do this the more you burn. This is more effective than running for 1hour at the same rythm."
  • Moda Hiit Running
    Hiit Running


    "Running at home, at the gym, or at the street in the park, remember to change the intensity of running from slow to fast ans fast to slow, this way your organism will not get sloppy and will burn faster and eficiently calories and the fat!"
  • Moda How to get 6 pack ABS
    How to get 6 pack ABS


    "Its a Math game, you eat what you're supost to eat and exercise regularly and you will get the 6 pack. Forget Mcdonalds while doing it ok!??"