

My favourite TV shows. I really recommend you to watch, you'll have a great time :)
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  • Serie Vergüenza ajena
    Vergüenza ajena


    "Great time killer, really funny. Ridiculousness without Rob Dyrdek is nothing, he's just the best 👌"
  • Serie La fiebre del oro
    La fiebre del oro


    "This show is on discovery channel, used I watch this so much. I like very much of one season that had a young boy named Parker Schnabel, he was young at that time for this job, but he surely had so much talend for this. I recommend you to watch this 🙂"
  • Serie Pesadilla en la cocina
    Pesadilla en la cocina


    "I loveeeee this show!! I love when chef Gordon Ramsay loses his patience 😂 Just watch it, you'll like, it's not like a regular chefs show."
  • Serie WWE Raw
    WWE Raw


    "Not only Raw but all WWE is really good, really cool to see everything behind it, the show, the music, everything, it's just really good 👌"
  • Serie Amazingness


    "Amaziness... The name tells everything, you'll see amazing people doing things you never even imagine it was possible. Great show."
  • Serie ¿Quién da más?
    ¿Quién da más?


    "Really interesting because they find all sort of things on that lockers, some moments are really funny because of competition, I recommend you to see."
  • Serie Fear Factor
    Fear Factor


    "I love this one, good time killer and really fun to watch. Face your fears. I recommend :)"