Childhood Animation


  • Película Shrek 2
    Shrek 2


    "Can we just say that this is the perfect sequel to an amazing movie?? Sheen isn’t just a funny meme, it’s an amazing story! "
  • Serie El Show de Tom y Jerry
    El Show de Tom y Jerry


    "I used to watch it all the time! And sometimes when it’s on TV I still do!!"
  • Serie Campeones hacia el Mundial: Oliver y Benji
    Campeones hacia el Mundial: Oliver y Benji


    "When it takes a whole episode to run from one side of the field to the other! And I miss it!!"
  • Película Shrek: Felices para siempre
    Shrek: Felices para siempre


    "I didn’t actually expect it to be so good after I watched the third one, but it’s actually good! "
  • Película El rey león
    El rey león


    "This was my favorite movie when I was a child!! And it’ll always have a place in my heart ❤️ "