Armenia - UNESCO


  • Moda Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin
    Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin


    "These two Byzantine monasteries in the Tumanian region from the period of prosperity during the Kiurikian dynasty (10th to 13th century) were important centres of learning. Sanahin was renown for its school of illuminators and calligraphers."
  • Moda Cathedral and Churches of Echmiatsin
    Cathedral and Churches of Echmiatsin


    "The cathedral and churches of Echmiatsin and the archaeological remains at Zvartnots graphically illustrate the evolution and development of the Armenian central-domed cross-hall type of church, which exerted a profound influence on architectural and artistic development in the region."
  • Moda Monastery of Geghard and the Upper Azat Valley
    Monastery of Geghard and the Upper Azat Valley


    "The monastery of Geghard contains a number of churches and tombs, most of them cut into the rock, which illustrate the very peak of Armenian medieval architecture."