Books I have read and love 📔🤓


  • Libro The Last Day of a Condemned Man and Claude Gueux
    The Last Day of a Condemned Man and Claude Gueux


    "Shocking lecture: a perspective from those who know when their last hour is arriving and all the suffering and regrets that goes with it, and so much more. A must read to open your mind about the death penalty and humanity. "
  • Libro O Teorema Katherine
    O Teorema Katherine


    "Funny story about a prodigy boy that tries to make sense to love by calculating it through is past relations with girls which the name was (you guess) Katherine! An adventure about self exploring and the meaning of love: hope you like it! "
  • Libro The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fxck
    The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fxck


    "I like this book: A new point of view regarding life, relationships, self-development and, especially, how to start caring for what really matters! Recommend it, strongly! 😉"
  • Libro Anjos e demonios
    Anjos e demonios


    "I’ve read this book long ago, but it still is one of my favourite! If you Love christian history and enigmas, this book will amaze you! Recommend it! 😎 [Follow4Follow!]"
  • Libro Pausch, R: Last Lecture
    Pausch, R: Last Lecture


    "This book is so precious to me: if you read it, you will learn and value so many important lessons to be a better human being. A self explores adventure that makes me reflect a lot about it all. Recommend it! 🥰 [Follow4Follow!]"
  • Libro The Richest Man in Babylon: with The Magic Story
    The Richest Man in Babylon: with The Magic Story


    "Wonderful book: wise and inspiring stories provided for the citizens of Babylon (one of the richest cities of the ancient world!). Recommend it! 😎 Best chapter: The Camel Trader of Babylon."
  • Libro Rich Dad Poor Dad
    Rich Dad Poor Dad


    "A useful and instructive book: both perspectives are evident and comprehensible. Still, the rich dad’s way (although rough) is the one with more success to be rich. Recommend it! 😎"